He is 11 weeks old and he has had some watery poop.|||He could have an infection take him to a vet?|||dont ask us call vet now now now|||take him to a vet ASAP!!|||Take him to the vet. He could have an infection.|||blood in a stool can be very serious, get you dog to the vet NOW!!|||ASK YOUR VET!!!!!!!!!!! 11 weeks is too young an animal to dawdle with in illness. This is OBVIOUSLY not good, huh? So, to be just as obvious as the illness, get off the danged computer, call your vet, or call around and find one, and get it there. If you cannot afford one, call the animal in as a foundling stray, take it to a no-kill shelter, they'll fix it up, and puppies almost always get adopted. If you cannot afford a vet, you cannot afford the pet, PERIOD!|||It could be a parasite infection and you sould probably take him to the vet. Has he had all recommended puppy shots.|||Please call a vet and ask them immediately. You may not receive proper advice here.|||it's called a cairn terrier btw, not a toto dog.
your first reaction to bloody poop should be the vet...
and i hope he wasn't purchased from a pet store as this could mean that this pup is serious sick and poorly bred.
hope it helps.|||He and a poop sample need to go to the vet, he could have worms, an obstruction, eaten garbage, have parvo or something he shouldn't have, either way blood in the stool esp in pups needs vet attention. Parvo is deadly not treated and an obstruction could be as well. Even garbage gut, Hemorrhagic Enteritis can be fatal too.|||It sounds like something SERIOUSLY wrong, probably a parasite or some other potentially fatal infection. Get him to a vet ASAP!|||Consipation, or some kind of infection along his intestinal track.|||VET. NOW.
Blood in stool = automatic trip to the vet ESPECIALLY with a puppy.|||You need to take him to a vet and get checked he might have a eaten something wrong. pups do that if they see it they eat it. or worm him and change his diet the food might be to strong for him. try scrambled eggs or some puppy food w some broth|||Worms and maybe parvo virus which could kill the puppy get him to the vet now.|||could be stress, worms, change in diet, i would consult a vet asap|||Maybe he has parvo, a germ that affect dogs, at first they do want to eat only drink water and water poop and vomit a lot, then the second day they poop with a lill blood and still don't want to eat. then the poop you began seeing so much blood and they do not have strength to walk noting. Most of the time the dog die even if you go to the vet. But you can try of course. Lets just hope for the best. The bad thing about that is the environment where the dog use to be gets infected and you have to set the place under quarantine for a time before bringing another dog to replace the former one.|||In a young pup, it's most likely Worms or another Parasite. Take him and a sample of the poop to the vet to be checked.|||it could just be a small tear in his rectum or intesti
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