Tuesday, November 22, 2011

If we resurrected Natukong and Tuapekong would it cause TOTO to go bankrupt?

This deity Datukgong and tuapekong can be resurrected like Jesus even Budddha also can't resurect they can only be a spirit of the land for natukong and Tuapekong is a guardian spiirt of the chinese taoist cemetery and their presence is just a form of believe that a malay spirit and chinese spirit or Both Deities can give the most accurate 4D for punters only ,yes if he is a real person i already rich and surely Toto ,magnum,Damacai all go bankrup

hope this satisfy u|||Probably not......TOTOKong to the rescue......|||No they wouldn't go bankrupt because they only sell a certain amount of numbers

(popular numbers like 8888 or 8181 are often 'sold out')|||hurm.. maybe..|||the toto boss also got big big si pek taupekgong

u go and buy 02, 04, 08, 09, 11, 16, 19|||no way.. it will make mo money.

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