Saturday, November 19, 2011

I cried when little Toto the cheetah cub died. Am I a sentimental sap?

I know that nature is cruel, and cheetahs themselves are merciless in killing other animals, but when little Toto from BBCs Big Cat Diary died, it broke my heart. As a guy, should I be ashamed about this?|||there is absoloutely no reason to be ashamed

coz i think that any one who has never cryed over an animal that has died has got something wrong with them

' no offence to anyone if they don't cry ' i think that only people described as cold - blooded killers don't cry.

i think that every guy should be as sensetive as u.|||No love, you should not be ashamed!! It is wonderful that you show emotions. The age old nonsense that "men don't cry" is utter trash. If more people in this world show emotion, PARTICULARLY where animals are concerned we will have a better world and God will look down at us in a more friendly fashion. It is so sad when the animals die and we know and understand that it is nature, but it does not stop us from feeling with them and for them. They have as much right to be here and be happy and content as we have. Should you still feel you are regarded as a "sissy" because you cried, do yourself a favour and watch the MONKEY BUSINESS series on Animal Planet as well as Crocodile Diaries. I have never in my life seen two people with more empathy and utter LOVE for animals and their plight as those two people and they are MEN. So, feel free to cry, you are a better person for it!!|||What!!! Toto died? wargggggggghhhhhhhhh (sob sob)|||oh i know that was so sad. such a cute little thing.|||Nothing to be ashamed about showing a few tears|||Well I dont know would it make you feel better if you werent ashamed. Sounds like you need to concentrate on your feelings not other peoples opinions of your feelings|||I didn't see it, thank goodness, coz it would have been a tissue fest for me too! It's sad when things die whatever the circumstances. I don't think you're a sap, I think it's sweet. Also, at least it was REAL, you weren't boo-ing over a made up movie character|||OH NO!!!! I didn't know Toto died! I missed it the other night - taking my lot to the vet :-(

I'm so gutted now! I can't believe it. Poor little fluffy cat. Aw, it's so sad. How did he die? Was it the baboons? I'm so gutted!!!!

It's not sappy to cry - it's admirable and strong. If my other half had cried we'd still be together....... or perhaps not. lol|||Oh did he die?? that's awful, poor little thing, man it breaks my heart seeing animals die, especially baby ones, I am such a softie as well, I was watching the Crocodile Hunter Diaries yesterday and I cried when the ostrich died.|||There is no reason to be ashamed, everyone has a right to show feelsing and emotions. I cried when I saw it too. I feel really sorry for the cameramen in the show because they know they can't interfere but it must be so hard especially when they are so helpless like To-to.|||I was upset when Toto died. I'm not a bloke, but it's really nice to see that you guys can be touched by something like this, too. There is absolutely nothing wrong with blokes showing emotion - in fact, us women might appreciate it if you showed us more of it!!!|||absolutely not ! i was heartbroken too..but im a girl :-)|||theirs nothing wrong in a man crying, and yes it was sad i cried too|||YES|||he was a cute little guy so youre bound to feel sad about it|||Not only that, you're a bit on the late side to start mourning - it's a repeat of the programme that was on about six months ago - indeed I know someone who uses a picture of Toto with his mother as a screen saver !|||no you should be in normal mood you are sad because your cheetah died but you are happy because it is now in heaven it is a start of new life and hope find again another pet andlove them to be able have a nature friend

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